Monday, 21 February 2011

Making Money Tips

There’s a lot of buzz about small business funding these days. The issue has become a major one not only in the small business community but also among government leaders. It’s certain that finding the funds for your small business venture, especially until cash flow becomes regular, is a challenge every small business owner or entrepreneur faces. If you’re facing this issue, we hope the resources below will help. If there is a creative way you have dealt with this issue yourself, please let us know in the comment section below. We would love to hear.


Four tips for raising cash. Raising money for your business venture is always a challenge and more so in a challenging economic climate. But tough times shouldn’t stop a determined entrepreneur from getting under way…whether investment is easy to come by or not. Open Forum

Praying for the help of angels. This simple post gives first-time entrepreneurs a detailed overview of the angel investor’s world. But more importantly, it takes a look at why angels invest and the kinds of businesses they prefer to invest in. If you’re seeking investment for your business start-up, it’s best to know what invest are looking for…including angels. The Smart Startup


U.S. program brings entrepreneurs/investors together. Venture capital investor Brad Feld talks about the newly unveiled Startup America Partnership as proof Washington “gets it” when it comes to promoting entrepreneurship. While we’re sure any program putting entrepreneurs and investors together can’t be all bad, a look at lowering taxes and revisiting the potentially harmful healthcare law would help as much as investment Brad. Feld Thoughts

Startup America boosts funding. Another post celebrates the federal program aiming at putting together entrepreneurs with investors. Here Aneesh Chopra, United States Chief Technology Officer, explains and praises the program. Getting funding to startups has become a major focus of government policy, but how will this translate to the broader small business community? Tech Crunch


New startup aims at providing capital for small business. A new company is trying to automate the loan process allowing small businesses to get an evaluation then apply for funding online. In essence, On Deck Capital takes the classic business approach of finding a problem and solving it. In this case, the problem is finding a better way to get investment for other small businesses. DealBook


Groundhog Day predictions. Yes, Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog, made his own predictions for the length of winter and the coming of Spring, but small business experts are making their own predictions too. Here are five small business predictions for Spring from a variety of sources, not surprisingly a few touching upon small business funding and its availability. Business News Daily

Small businesses get more credit card offers. Credit card companies will be making more offers to small businesses, according to recent media reports. But could entrepreneurs be too worried about taking on extra debt to take advantage of this opportunity? Read Rieva Lesonsky’s detailed overview of this new funding option and what it means. Small Business Trends


A whole new fundraising frontier. Could social media be the next frontier for small business fundraising in the same way that it has been for marketing and networking? Enter Kickstarter and other similar sites that turn to online communities as a way of funding projects. Could it be right for your funding needs? Open Forum

Raising capital: a how-to guide. Putting together funding for a small business has never been easy. Still it can be one of the most important skills an entrepreneur possesses. Still, getting started with the fundraising process for your small business is not rocket science. Here are some basic steps to get you started. Open Forum


Is small business funding still plagued by discrimination? A settlement as a result of a discrimination suit filed against the U.S. Small Business Administration has apparently still not resolved the issue of whether the federal agency is bias toward minority applicants for business funding. What’s your take on whether the federal loan program could be impeding investment in small business especially in minority or under-served communities? NYTimes

From Small Business TrendsSmall Business News: Small Business Funding Facts

Photo: Mike Fillion

Many thinkers and motivators throughout history have advised us to “choose our battles.” From Sun Tzu to Dale Carnegie and even Dr. Phil, we are urged not to “sweat the small stuff” and, instead, to channel our energies into things of higher priority. Heeding these words makes sense, given that we have but 24 hours a day and only so much energy to work with.

Just as it is with time and energy, money is a limited resource that we need to manage with care. We just don’t have enough of this resource to go around, in order to address all of our needs, wants and whims! Each significant financial choice we make often means making a sacrifice and careful deliberation. It’s therefore often the case that we ask ourselves “is making this purchase worth it?” How do value a purchase before you go ahead and make it?

This week’s personal finance blogger roundup is all about how we make choices and how we determine whether the things we pay for are worth the money. Then again, there are no right and wrong answers here, because each consumer’s situation is different. What’s important is that we are all able to arrive at our own personal decisions through careful evaluation.

Have you been presented an upsell as you’re faced with a major appliance or electronic purchase? Before falling for it, ask the question: Are Extended Warranties Worth The Money? Explore this extra cost in this article by 50 Plus Finance.

Out Of Your Rut’s New Or Used? Cheap New Cars – Are They Worth the Money? takes a look at Yahoo’s discussion on cheap cars. This post goes through various points that need to be considered by the car buyer. For instance, would you go for a brand new but cheaper car — or a used but pricier car? Weigh all the criteria to arrive at the decision that you’re most comfortable with.

Recently, hybrid cars have been all the rage. Peek under their collective (and figurative) hood before you buy one, by reading WealthPilgrim‘s take on hybrids: 5 Big Disadvantages Of Buying A Hybrid. Just how economical and environmentally friendly are they really?

Let’s move on to international trade and currencies. MoneyVille discusses a credit card and currency issue for Canadians: Is A U.S.-Dollar Credit Card Worth It? Foreigners may wonder whether applying for an American credit card can make sense. If you are Canadian and are considering the possibility of picking up a US Dollar credit card for yourself or for business, then MoneyVille’s article discusses the pros and cons of this decision in-depth.

It’s a good idea to diversify into foreign assets. But one thing that you may not hear about often are certain schemes that are marketed to expatriates. Creveling & Creveling discusses the thorny issues behind offshore investing in the article Five Things to Consider Before Buying Offshore Investment Schemes. It’s an interesting read, and offers us a “buyer beware” warning. While it’s good for our portfolios to have foreign exposure, always be aware of the risks found in different types of schemes, particularly those that involve unconventional investments.

Let’s move on to domestic matters. Some people may find that outsourcing certain jobs is a worthwhile tradeoff between the time they save and the money they spend on these arrangements. DIY or Hiring a Professional: Factors to Consider by can give us some points to consider. Which stance will you take for the tasks you need to do — hire someone or do it yourself? Which activities should you delegate to someone else?

Is a TV set worth keeping as a living room accessory? A lot of us are certified couch potatoes, and will say that our indoor entertainment offers us a pretty good value. However, Million Dollar Journey disagrees about this in his post about Living Without A TV. Where do you stand?

A life isn’t well lived if you’re only thinking about saving money and penny pinching. If you work hard, you deserve to treat yourself to an occasional break. If you’re not a traveler, then you may want to Try A Staycation, which is also a budget-friendly way to enjoy a break. This article by The Savvy Life may help you find a creative, frugal way to unwind and de-stress.

Throughout our lives, we expect to face a lot of financial decisions, both large and small. Ultimately, living well involves maintaining the right kind of balance in our lives. The decisions we make should be based on our understanding of the tradeoffs between our time, money and other resources. Any mistakes we end up making in the face of these decisions should be taken as the price we pay for a lesson learned.

Silicon Valley Blogger (SVB) runs  The Digerati Life and  The Smarter Wallet, where she writes about  general personal finance topics such as investing, budgeting, debt management and small business ideas.

<b>News</b> Corp. to Buy Shine Group for $663 Million - The Hollywood <b>...</b>

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is to acquire the entirety of Shine Group, owned by daughter Elisabeth Murdoch.

Arizona Sheriff Weighs in on Hospital Immigration Checks Debate <b>...</b>

As debate intensifies over a new Arizona proposal requiring hospital patrons to show proof of legal U.S. residency, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says the controversial measure is just one piece of a larger effort to curb illegal ...

Northwest <b>News</b>: Amanda Knox movie airs today, to criticism <b>...</b>

Northwest news = a daily roundup of what's making headlines in the Pacific Northwest.

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TAP Profit Funnel - Make Money On Demand with Unorthodox Internet Techniques by thenyouwin

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Making Money With a Website

Subscription Porn Site SLAPPed Down After Suing RedTube For Undermining Its Business Model

from the competing-isn't-undermining dept

We've joked in the past about how many of the complaints we see from companies about new, more innovative competitors, is that they somehow represent "felony interference of a business model." Some companies, it seems, like to believe that if they have a successful business model, any new competitor that changes the market around must be doing so illegally. Eric Goldman points us to just such a lawsuit in California, where the proprietor of a subscription based porn website sued RedTube, one of many, many porn-focused free streaming video sites, and many of RedTube's advertisers, arguing unfair competition. Basically, the argument was that by setting up a website and offering these porn videos for free, while making money on the advertising, RedTube was effectively "dumping" its product on the market below cost in order to harm the market and make money elsewhere.

RedTube, in response, filed an anti-SLAPP claim, saying that the lawsuit sought to silence RedTube exercising its First Amendment rights of speech. While a lower court mostly agreed, it did leave open one small piece of the unfair competition claim, related to the issue of the claim that someone at RedTube's parent company signed up for the plaintiff's subscription website, downloaded the videos, and posted them on RedTube. However, the California state appeals court rejects the lower court's argument, and agrees that even this claim should be tossed out, because it's only unfair competition if the plaintiff can show that he has, in fact, lost money or property as a result of the unfair competition. Since the plaintiff was unable to do so, the court ruled that this claim got tossed out too (though, if true, you do wonder if there might be a copyright issue -- which does not appear to have been raised here).

On the overall point of underpricing the market unfairly, the court points out how silly this is, noting that giving away free content in exchange for advertising is a business model that's been around for ages, and is hardly a form of unfair competition:

If Bright's business model sounds familiar it's because it's the business model
typical of broadcast radio and television stations in the United States not to mention
thousands of local newspapers and, more recently, tens of thousands of Internet websites
including Youtube, CNN and Video.Yahoo.

The court also points out, in its opening, that business models change, and companies need to keep up -- and they shouldn't expect the law to keep their old business models in place:

In the 21st century, businesses of all kinds are having to adapt to a constantly
changing commercial landscape. The business that the parties describe as the "adult
entertainment" industry is no exception. Websites that originally made their money by
offering such material on a subscription or pay-per-view basis are being replaced by
"tube" websites which offer their content for free and make their money through

There's also an interesting discussion over whether or not RedTube qualifies for SLAPP protections, as the site's content must involve the "furtherance of their right of free speech on a public issue." The plaintiff said that his complaint had nothing to do with stopping speech, but from the "anti-competitive conduct." The court notes that even publishing videos of porn online is conduct in the furtherance of speech and, in fact, that there is a "substantial public interest in the kind of sexually explicit videos shown on tube-sites such as Redtube." That's one way to put it.

The final point that seemed worth discussing on this is just how silly some "anti-competitive" behavior laws and rulings can be. Part of the plaintiff's argument here was to bring up a bit of caselaw involving two competing San Fransisco tourist cruises, where one firm got in trouble for selling tickets below cost, even though the firm made it up elsewhere. The court rejects this, by claiming that the earlier ruling doesn't apply here because RedTube "does not sell two separate products." That seems silly to me, and if anything really just highlights the problem with the original court ruling about using the tickets as a loss leader. If you read the ruling this way, you get a nonsensical result: giving away the videos for free would be legal, but charging a penny for them could suddenly be seen as unfair competition, because now it would be "selling" two separate products. Bundling multiple products, such that some are given away free or cheaply in the interest of a larger business model should never be seen as anti-competitive on its own. While I agree with the outcome, it seemed like this was the most confused part of the court's ruling, in that it tapdanced around what was, basically, a really bad ruling. The real issue should be to get rid of any rule that says such kinds of bundles are against the law in the first place.

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

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Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

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    Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

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    Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

    Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

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    The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

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    The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

    Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

    Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

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    The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

    Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

    Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

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    The full list: The Twitter 100 - Its 200 million users share 110 million messages a day - and if ...

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    The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

    Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

    Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

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    The full list: The Twitter 100 - Its 200 million users share 110 million messages a day - and if ...

    Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

    The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

    Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

    Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

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    Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

    The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

    Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

    Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

    Friday, 11 February 2011

    Making Money Online Forum

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    The Pixies at the Wang Center in Boston, 27 November 2009 by Chris Devers

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    Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony to search PS3 hacker's computer. - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

    Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

    Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

    Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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    The Pixies at the Wang Center in Boston, 27 November 2009 by Chris Devers

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    Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony to search PS3 hacker's computer. - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

    Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

    Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

    Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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    Sony to search PS3 hacker&#39;s computer PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

    Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony to search PS3 hacker's computer. - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

    Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

    Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

    Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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    Sony to search PS3 hacker&#39;s computer PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

    Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony to search PS3 hacker's computer. - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

    Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

    Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

    Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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    The Pixies at the Wang Center in Boston, 27 November 2009 by Chris Devers

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    Sony to search PS3 hacker&#39;s computer PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

    Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony to search PS3 hacker's computer. - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

    Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

    Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

    Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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    1.Write an info product for a well established niche, this is one of the easiest ways that i use to constantly make money online :). If your info product has anything new or innovative then it should sell well. However, just don't write the ebook! Build a business. Gather visitors emails that comes to your site and offer them complimentary products through affiliate programs. Go ahead and offer upsells, and backends, and memberships for recurring income. If your just offering an ebook your leaving potential of thousands and thousands of dollars right on the dinner table, don't think of it as "YES! I made a sale," think of it as a real business and increasing the amount of profits you make per sale.

    2.Start your own online country, thats right. What i mean by this is basically your own unique online community that is catered towards a group of people that allows them to share content and information with each other. Look at myspace, facebook, and youtube. Million and Billion dollar ideas in just a couple of years.

    3.Build your virtual real estate. I'm not too much of a adsense site type of guy, im into building businesses instead, i prefer making social networking sites that will gather people's attention... and a good way to go about this is make it FREE, thats the magic word. Once you get people to register to your site you can then allow them to share it with their friends which will help make your site grow bigger. If your website is getting traffic then you can monetize off this with adsense or by selling advertising which can be a killer money maker by you literally doing nothing.

    4.Help a friend get a job. Its funny while your out to start working for yourself, you are out to know help connect people you know with better jobs. Many people are looking for jobs, just take for instance craigslist one of the most populated websites in the world has a large section for connecting employers and job seekers. Also, is also a huge network for connecting employers with job seekers as well. If you can help connect someone then the rewards could be huge, as big as in the 1000 range, not really no chicken change. Some services that you can look into is and

    5.Advertise and sell other people's products from your website which is known as affiliate marketing which is such a hot field because people are looking for ways to make money online without having their own product, and this is one that you can accomplish this. Some affiliate networks to check are commission junction, amazon, and linkshare. The popular one for selling digital product is clickbank.

    6.Sell yourself. Now, don't get it the wrong way. There are some sites online known as freelance services in which web masters or companies will pay you money if you do certain tasks for them. If you can build websites, program, or do any other technical skills then join these sites.

    7.Write. This is something that anyone can do and there are no technical skills required except being able to use the computer and research. Look for writing jobs on freelance services. It will help to have a portfolio of some of your writings in order to help increase your chances of getting chosen.

    8.Do you take pictures? You can sell linceneses to web masters or individuals to use the photos that you take and you can usually charge a good amount for these as well.

    9.Assist businesses. Yes, businesses and web masters always need help and you can help them with everyday tasks by becoming their virtual assistant.

    10.Know something about a subject and love to talk? Well, you will love blogging. Blog about the topic and write in a manner that attracts people. You can monetize your site with adsense, sell affiliate programs,sell advertising, you name it. is a free blogging software.

    11.Don't know a thing? No worries you are not alone, but that shouldn't stop you from blogging as it doesn't stop others, you can still make money just by blogging on topics that are interesting. You can blog about your everyday tasks, blog about your plans to lose weight, or blog about your plans to make money. Some marketers have started money making challenges such as the 30K challenge, or willie Crawford's 1 million in 90 days challenge. These type of challenges can gather huge interests in people

    12.Fill a need. I own and frequent many forums and i have come to a conclusion that people love to complain. Thats great! Whatever they are complaining about provide them a solution, this equals more money in your wallet.

    13.Make money by managing domain names. For example, domain name services like sedo and aftenic gets paid just for regulating domain names. This can be nice steady income for having no products to sell yourself, or by not even selling other people's products... but just by being the middleman.

    14.Buy and resell domain names for quick cash. I once purchased a domain name at the right time and then flipped it for $200. Domain name flipping takes some time to master like any other skill though.

    15.Purchase a domain name, build up the pr (pagerank), gain backlinks, and then sell the domain name. If you can get a pr6 domain name then you should be able to sell this for a hundred or two on ebay.

    16.If you can find a domain name that is keyword rich and is getting steady traffic then purchase it and park it and watch the money come in overtime.

    17.Build a house and flip it.By this i mean purchase a domain name and build a website for it and then try and sell it for profit. A popular site to sell websites is sitepoint:

    18.Get paid to post a forums. I would only recommend this if your looking for quick side cash because this is by no means a way to make a killing online. Some web masters will pay individuals to make posts at forums. Sometimes, an individual has a new forum up and running and want to get it active so they will pay individuals to post there under multiple usernames. Or, web masters could pay individuals to post on forums so that they can get more traffic to their website through signatures. Or, a webmaster could be the owner of a forum and pay forum users for each post they make in order to help them stay, and in order to help build up traffic to the forum as well.

    19.Go ahead and try to start your own article directory, but you better do something to make it unique and beneficial to the article submitter. Whats going to make an individual submit to your article directory as opposed to ones that they are accustom to submitting to and "plus" get results with.The good news is most of the other article directories are doing pretty much the same exact thing that everyone else is doing, you just have to be that much different and find your unique positioning.

    20.Learn the ins and outs about a large network and teach people how to use it effectively, become an expert in that field. For example, look at ebay. Even though it may be simple to use to the average Internet browser, there are still tons of people offline that has no idea about the ins or outs about it. This can be an easy way to make some extra money. Some offline services charge people a whopping sum of money just to sell their products for them on ebay, so that is something for you to think about.

    21.Think of a crazy innovative idea thats newsworthy. Ever heard of the milliondollarhomepage selling worthless links? Well, it got in the news and people swarmed to the site, proof that its not incredibly hard to make big money online.

    22.Moderate forums, some forums get crazy traffic and some of them also get crazy amounts of spam that needs to be moderated...badly.

    23.Make funny videos and then register for an account here
    and post them.

    24.If you are technical then offer support for software programs especially wordpress. People are always having issues with this software and there is money to be made by installing and customizing wordpress blogs.

    25.If you like surfing the Internet then AGLOCO is a program that pays you for your browsing information (at the stake of your privacy though). You will need to download their tool bar into your desktop.

    26.Sell tools and useful items to myspace users like templates, layouts, and backgrounds. Too many marketers try to spam this service which is against their tos, so just build real friends and sell them cheap items that they can use on myspace, easy money! Make money on myspace by selling users things that they can use while they are on myspace.

    27.Write a newsletter and im talking about a real one. A list of subscribers is an incredible asset for your business because you can keep selling to those people over and over again but at least give some good content instead of only emailing when you have something to promote. You can promote your products as long as affiliates once you build trust with your subscribers.

    28.Build your own forum. Thee are plenty of free scripts out there that will aid you in the process such as phpbb: or simplemachines: This is an incredible way to monetize on giving something away for free. When people register they will enter their email and this is an unorthodox way to build a list. Not only that but you can build multiple streams of income by selling advertising as well as monetizing the forum with adsense. Heck, you can even offer products as discounts to forum members, sell your own products, offer coregistartion, the options are limitless.

    29.Learn seo (search engine optimization), it can be very profitable for you in the long run. Web masters tend to be too busy and that is one reason why many do not get where they want, they cant manage their time too well. So, you can offer to get web masters links to their sites by writing and submitting articles to directories and even optimizing their pages for them.

    30.Start selling on ebay, ebay is a goldmine. See what is currently selling hot here and see if you can find any whole sellers with these items an an affordable rate. Make sure that your dealing with a reputable seller because there are many scams in this industry so beware.

    31.Create an award website. Awards have been tested to increase the credibility of a website (which equals more money) so make a website with a fancy logo and offer it to web masters that meet your award's standards.

    32.Make money online by researching and finding statistics, facts, or quotes for individuals that needs them.

    33.Write articles. Some networks will give you money for how many view certain articles that you write get. Here is one such network:

    34.Learn the ins and outs of myspace, a lot of web masters are looking for people to do marketing for them on myspace and if you know about this network then you can make some money by offering your expertise.

    35.Make money by referring individuals to paypal and ebay. Yes, these both have affiliate programs (doesn't pay much) but this could be an easy way to make money if you know people that are looking for ways to make money online.

    36.Try using Co registration to generate some money online. What this means is that a company or service will pay you money when you can generate a lead for them. For example, you place a text banner on your site and once the individual clicks they will usually be sent to a form in which they can enter their personal information, and once they have done that you get paid for it. Its obvious that to get people to enter their "personal information" online you must have an incentive offer or copy, because people are fearful of spam (i am too). However, this shouldn't discourage you because this is very possible though. Some companies are so good at this that they get people to enter their credit card information in the forms so thats something to boost your confidence.

    37.Are you skilled at photoshop? I see a lot of talented individuals on online forums that be photo shopping images like crazy. You can seriously turn this skill into a business by start offering photo shopping services to web masters or individuals that are looking for such work.

    38.If you can photoshop then try selling your images on ebay because you never know, some people could very well purchase it. You never know if your images will become the next Internet phenomenon.

    39.Are you knowledgeable in anything? Come on, i know you are smart in something everybody is good at least one thing... even me :). Well, what you could do is offer a inexpensive tutorial that teaches an individual how to learn the particular subject in an easy to follow manner.

    40.Can you do screen printing for t shirts? Well, you are most likely an alternative to an online service You can upload images of t shirts or what type of works you do at photo sharing services such as

    41.Are you good at audio? You can get paid money to turn written text into audio or to turn audio into text (transcription).

    42.Can you speak more then one language? Some companies or web masters may want text translated into more then one language.

    43.Like software and scripts? Can you install these things? Webmasters who are not as technical may need your help, look around on freelance services to see who you can cater to.

    44.This is to those who are always anxious to get money fast online. This is about the quickest way that i know to make money online. First, you join affiliate programs, and second you send traffic to your affiliate link through Google adwords. However, this takes some prior experience to master, such as being able to pick the appropriate keywords.

    45.Can you code software? If so then you should code a software that will fix a much needed problem, there are many software coders selling their inventions online for good money.

    46.Offer online tutoring. There are always people looking to learn something new and the Internet makes it not only easier for you to do so but also effective. Never before have there been such an easier way to communicate with individuals live from all the way across the globe. By having your own website on your own server, you will help make yourself stand out from the majority of your competition.

    47.Like sports? Make a sports site of some sort and monetize it with one of the methods that i mentioned earlier. Golf is a very expensive sport which makes this a good niche to tap into.

    48.Start a website that relies 100% on backends. This is an easy way to make money and to also get individuals to sign up to your website. Just look at ebay, and paypal. Both websites are FREE to join and sign up but there are many hidden fees. It costs every time you receive money through paypal, and it costs every time you sell something on ebay, it relies 100% on backend sells a nice and effective business structure.

    49.Try network marketing. One of the fastest ways that an individual can grow their business is by leveraging the resources of others and a lot of beginning online business owners are always looking for other web masters to partner with. If you can help broker or bring webmasters together, then this may be a profitable business for you in the end. You could charge money for each connection that is made.

    50.Online dating is a popular niche and there are many affiliate programs that pay you for each lead that you give them which can be some easy money if you know a lot of people. Or, if you have a unique idea you can go about forming your own dating site.

    51.Form a network that will connect people. Whether its to connect old high school friends, old college friends, long lost friends, singles looking for dates, or people looking to share anything. These types of sites usually do very well and usually grow fast because of the built in viral mechanisms in them. Just look at youtube, worth over 1 billion dollars and is no more then two years old. It makes it easy for people to share things with their friends... the powerful aspect of viral marketing.


    In conclusion of this article 51 surefire ways to make money online, i wanted to show people who are new to internet marketing or who are interested in making money online that there are ways ( and lots of them) to make money online.

    The options are limitless so you just need to find out what you think will be the most suitable way for you because everyone has different interests A couple of suggestions, i would recommend concentrating on a couple of these ways to make money... there are but so many hours in a day and the more rabbits you try to chase the less you may actually catch.

    Also, some tips that i mentioned are for building up short term money, short term money is like quick cash.

    You need it to get money so that you can reinvest in your business, but its nothing to build an online business on. So, what i recommend is try experimenting with some of these techniques and once you start making small money thats GOLD!

    You already done the first step you just need to keep testing and tweaking your experiments until you can maximize the most profit out of it and always go with building businesses as opposed to keep getting quick money... a business is much more profitable and reliable. Take care and hope you enjoyed.

    Tuesday, 8 February 2011

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    NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

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    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ..."></a>

    EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

    For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

    Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

    NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

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    EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

    For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

    Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

    NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ... »

    EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

    For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

    Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

    NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

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    EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

    For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

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    NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

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    EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

    For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

    Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

    NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...">buy

    EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

    For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

    Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

    NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

    EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

    For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

    Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

    NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...">buy

    EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

    For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

    Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

    NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ..."></a>

    EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

    For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

    Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

    NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

    Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

    Sunday, 6 February 2011

    Making Money Without

    It was a nice idea. Today the unemployment rate is hovering above 9 percent—better than it would have been without the stimulus, most experts agree, but still painfully high. Why didn’t we get more for our money?

    While liberals and conservatives alike blame the stimulus itself—It wasn’t big enough! It was never going to work!—the problem may have more to do with how the money was spent. It’s not enough just to inject money into infrastructure, because not all transportation funding is created equal—or at least, it doesn’t create jobs at an equal rate. As any infrastructure policy wonk can tell you, money spent on fixing up existing systems or building mass transit delivers more jobs, and faster, than building new highways. With their wallets bulging with their federal allowance, the states were allowed to spend $26.6 billion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money however they saw fit.

    A new study shows that most states didn’t end up making the most of the windfall. The report by the transportation research group Smart Growth America found that states spent more than a third of the money on building new roads—rather than working on public transportation and fixing up existing roads and bridges. The result of the indiscriminate spending? States missed out on potentially thousands of new jobs—and bridges, roads, and overpasses around the country are still crumbling. Meanwhile, the states that did put dollars toward public transportation were richly rewarded: Each dollar used on transit was 75 percent more effective at putting people to work than a dollar used for highway work.

    The government meant to get the biggest bang for its buck, with “shovel-ready projects.” But building miles of new roads requires planning, land acquisition, and other lengthy steps that put fewer workers on the job immediately.

    Mandel Ngan / Getty Images

    The government, of course, meant to get the biggest bang for its buck. The stimulus bill forced states to spend their allocated cash quickly, which was intended to get them to fund maintenance needs—“shovel-ready projects”—that had already been identified. Building miles of new roads, on the other hand, requires planning, land acquisition, and other lengthy steps that put fewer workers on the job immediately.

    Some states did that. Sue Minter, Vermont’s deputy transportation secretary, says a longstanding “fix-it-first” policy for infrastructure and bipartisan collaboration shaped Vermont’s decisions about how to use the funds. The state spent all of its highway money on system maintenance, with a small amount going to mass transit. (Minter, a Democrat, was a member of the state legislature at the time.) “This shot of money into our economy was very, very significant. It’s part of the reason we have a relatively low unemployment rate,” she says. Only 5.8 percent of Vermont residents are out of work, one of the nation’s lowest rates. State research shows that ARRA funding employed 11,000 people—a small number overall, but a significant one in a small state. Minter says the maintenance was important for keeping economic growth, particularly in tourism, strong.

    Other states, however, took a different tack. Arkansas used 81 percent of its money for new projects and none on transit; it also has a higher unemployment rate than Vermont. And unlike other states near the bottom of the list, just 38 percent of its roads are in good condition, according to a report by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, a trade organization.

    Submitted by Taylor Cottam of Economy Politics

    Another Call For The Fed To Raise Rates, So Big Banks Can Start Lending And Hiring Again

    As we explained in our previous article Seeking an interest rate solution,
    real interest rates are negative and nominal short term interest rates
    are near zero. That is not healthy. What is a healthy interest rate? My
    view is that short term rates should be above 1% to make them positive
    and closer to 2%.  It has caused consumer credit to contract. 

    Of course, banks would argue that a healthy spread is the key to a
    healthy banking sector.  Raising the rate would likely flatten the yield
    curve.  What gives? 

    How banks really make money

    Banks are not in the business of making loans per se.  They are in the
    business of making more off their assets than their liabilities.  In
    normal times, underwriting consumer and business loans are the best
    avenue for them to pursue that goal. 

    Banks, and many hedge funds, really make money off the yield curve. They
    have assets with a higher duration than their liabilities. Although
    banks fund their assets with a mix of checking, demand deposits and some
    longer dated term deposits (CDs), they have the ability to swap out
    longer term deposits (CDs) to make their liabilities duration almost
    zero. Their assets, which are typically loans to consumers and
    businesses, have a longer duration.  Since the yield curve almost always
    slopes upward, they make money off the yield curve spread plus the
    credit spread. 

    In 2008, I did some modeling for a large financial institution that had
    duration of liabilities of roughly 3.5 years, based upon mostly term
    deposits. They were able to bring the duration on their entire
    liabilities portfolio down to a duration of less than 0.25 (3 months) by
    transacting a simple fixed for floating amortizing swap based upon
    their CD maturity schedule. Every quarter, with the 3 month rate sunk
    below 25 bps, we would receive a large cash settlement from our
    investment bank counterparty. I didn't stick for the full term of the
    swap, but on a 1.5 BB principal, our estimate of earnings from the swap
    alone stood at $100MM over three years. Based upon where short term
    rates have stayed, they could have made 1.5 times that.

    With our cost of capital below 25 bps, we did the thing that any
    rational person would do.  We stopped lending to people and
    businesses and lent to the US government instead.  We bought Treasuries.
    In this case, the 5-year yields were above 2% bringing our expected
    risk free spread above 2 points.

    In 2008 and 2009, when it became obvious that Bernanke would likely
    leave short-term rates low for an extended period of time, yield curve
    risk became an afterthought. Those actions have been largely vindicated.
    If we held the Treasuries for at least three years, the term of the
    swap, we would just sit back and make money off the spread without
    having to originate a single loan.

    You get to be a bank, without having to do any work to originate loans.
    Who needs a large origination group, when you can make a ton of money
    and fire half of your employees?

    Pushed or Pulled into Treasuries

    During the recession there was often talk of a flight to quality.
    Investors would flee risky assets and go into something safe. However,
    investors are not always being pushed, they are often pulled. During the
    recession, we began seeing a very steep yield curve. The spread
    investors are as much lured by the allure of easy money with a steep
    yield curve as they are by the fear of risky assets.

    benchcraft company scam

    The State <b>News</b> :: Spartans dismantled in Wisconsin, 82-56

    For the first time in Tom Izzo's 16 years as the MSU men's basketball team head coach, the Spartans suffered their second consecutive 20-point loss Sunday, losing to Wisconsin, 82-56, in Madison, Wisc. The Badgers (17-5 overall, ...

    Pitchfork: LCD Soundsystem Announce Farewell NYC Show

    Photo by Ruvan Wijesooriya; front page photo by Leigh Ann Hines LCD Soundsystem have announced that they will play their ...

    And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

    The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

    benchcraft company scam

    It was a nice idea. Today the unemployment rate is hovering above 9 percent—better than it would have been without the stimulus, most experts agree, but still painfully high. Why didn’t we get more for our money?

    While liberals and conservatives alike blame the stimulus itself—It wasn’t big enough! It was never going to work!—the problem may have more to do with how the money was spent. It’s not enough just to inject money into infrastructure, because not all transportation funding is created equal—or at least, it doesn’t create jobs at an equal rate. As any infrastructure policy wonk can tell you, money spent on fixing up existing systems or building mass transit delivers more jobs, and faster, than building new highways. With their wallets bulging with their federal allowance, the states were allowed to spend $26.6 billion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money however they saw fit.

    A new study shows that most states didn’t end up making the most of the windfall. The report by the transportation research group Smart Growth America found that states spent more than a third of the money on building new roads—rather than working on public transportation and fixing up existing roads and bridges. The result of the indiscriminate spending? States missed out on potentially thousands of new jobs—and bridges, roads, and overpasses around the country are still crumbling. Meanwhile, the states that did put dollars toward public transportation were richly rewarded: Each dollar used on transit was 75 percent more effective at putting people to work than a dollar used for highway work.

    The government meant to get the biggest bang for its buck, with “shovel-ready projects.” But building miles of new roads requires planning, land acquisition, and other lengthy steps that put fewer workers on the job immediately.

    Mandel Ngan / Getty Images

    The government, of course, meant to get the biggest bang for its buck. The stimulus bill forced states to spend their allocated cash quickly, which was intended to get them to fund maintenance needs—“shovel-ready projects”—that had already been identified. Building miles of new roads, on the other hand, requires planning, land acquisition, and other lengthy steps that put fewer workers on the job immediately.

    Some states did that. Sue Minter, Vermont’s deputy transportation secretary, says a longstanding “fix-it-first” policy for infrastructure and bipartisan collaboration shaped Vermont’s decisions about how to use the funds. The state spent all of its highway money on system maintenance, with a small amount going to mass transit. (Minter, a Democrat, was a member of the state legislature at the time.) “This shot of money into our economy was very, very significant. It’s part of the reason we have a relatively low unemployment rate,” she says. Only 5.8 percent of Vermont residents are out of work, one of the nation’s lowest rates. State research shows that ARRA funding employed 11,000 people—a small number overall, but a significant one in a small state. Minter says the maintenance was important for keeping economic growth, particularly in tourism, strong.

    Other states, however, took a different tack. Arkansas used 81 percent of its money for new projects and none on transit; it also has a higher unemployment rate than Vermont. And unlike other states near the bottom of the list, just 38 percent of its roads are in good condition, according to a report by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, a trade organization.

    Submitted by Taylor Cottam of Economy Politics

    Another Call For The Fed To Raise Rates, So Big Banks Can Start Lending And Hiring Again

    As we explained in our previous article Seeking an interest rate solution,
    real interest rates are negative and nominal short term interest rates
    are near zero. That is not healthy. What is a healthy interest rate? My
    view is that short term rates should be above 1% to make them positive
    and closer to 2%.  It has caused consumer credit to contract. 

    Of course, banks would argue that a healthy spread is the key to a
    healthy banking sector.  Raising the rate would likely flatten the yield
    curve.  What gives? 

    How banks really make money

    Banks are not in the business of making loans per se.  They are in the
    business of making more off their assets than their liabilities.  In
    normal times, underwriting consumer and business loans are the best
    avenue for them to pursue that goal. 

    Banks, and many hedge funds, really make money off the yield curve. They
    have assets with a higher duration than their liabilities. Although
    banks fund their assets with a mix of checking, demand deposits and some
    longer dated term deposits (CDs), they have the ability to swap out
    longer term deposits (CDs) to make their liabilities duration almost
    zero. Their assets, which are typically loans to consumers and
    businesses, have a longer duration.  Since the yield curve almost always
    slopes upward, they make money off the yield curve spread plus the
    credit spread. 

    In 2008, I did some modeling for a large financial institution that had
    duration of liabilities of roughly 3.5 years, based upon mostly term
    deposits. They were able to bring the duration on their entire
    liabilities portfolio down to a duration of less than 0.25 (3 months) by
    transacting a simple fixed for floating amortizing swap based upon
    their CD maturity schedule. Every quarter, with the 3 month rate sunk
    below 25 bps, we would receive a large cash settlement from our
    investment bank counterparty. I didn't stick for the full term of the
    swap, but on a 1.5 BB principal, our estimate of earnings from the swap
    alone stood at $100MM over three years. Based upon where short term
    rates have stayed, they could have made 1.5 times that.

    With our cost of capital below 25 bps, we did the thing that any
    rational person would do.  We stopped lending to people and
    businesses and lent to the US government instead.  We bought Treasuries.
    In this case, the 5-year yields were above 2% bringing our expected
    risk free spread above 2 points.

    In 2008 and 2009, when it became obvious that Bernanke would likely
    leave short-term rates low for an extended period of time, yield curve
    risk became an afterthought. Those actions have been largely vindicated.
    If we held the Treasuries for at least three years, the term of the
    swap, we would just sit back and make money off the spread without
    having to originate a single loan.

    You get to be a bank, without having to do any work to originate loans.
    Who needs a large origination group, when you can make a ton of money
    and fire half of your employees?

    Pushed or Pulled into Treasuries

    During the recession there was often talk of a flight to quality.
    Investors would flee risky assets and go into something safe. However,
    investors are not always being pushed, they are often pulled. During the
    recession, we began seeing a very steep yield curve. The spread
    investors are as much lured by the allure of easy money with a steep
    yield curve as they are by the fear of risky assets.

    benchcraft company portland or

    The State <b>News</b> :: Spartans dismantled in Wisconsin, 82-56

    For the first time in Tom Izzo's 16 years as the MSU men's basketball team head coach, the Spartans suffered their second consecutive 20-point loss Sunday, losing to Wisconsin, 82-56, in Madison, Wisc. The Badgers (17-5 overall, ...

    Pitchfork: LCD Soundsystem Announce Farewell NYC Show

    Photo by Ruvan Wijesooriya; front page photo by Leigh Ann Hines LCD Soundsystem have announced that they will play their ...

    And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

    The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

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    Making music without a permit by SuperEvilBrian

    bench craft company reviews

    The State <b>News</b> :: Spartans dismantled in Wisconsin, 82-56

    For the first time in Tom Izzo's 16 years as the MSU men's basketball team head coach, the Spartans suffered their second consecutive 20-point loss Sunday, losing to Wisconsin, 82-56, in Madison, Wisc. The Badgers (17-5 overall, ...

    Pitchfork: LCD Soundsystem Announce Farewell NYC Show

    Photo by Ruvan Wijesooriya; front page photo by Leigh Ann Hines LCD Soundsystem have announced that they will play their ...

    And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

    The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

    benchcraft company scam

    It was a nice idea. Today the unemployment rate is hovering above 9 percent—better than it would have been without the stimulus, most experts agree, but still painfully high. Why didn’t we get more for our money?

    While liberals and conservatives alike blame the stimulus itself—It wasn’t big enough! It was never going to work!—the problem may have more to do with how the money was spent. It’s not enough just to inject money into infrastructure, because not all transportation funding is created equal—or at least, it doesn’t create jobs at an equal rate. As any infrastructure policy wonk can tell you, money spent on fixing up existing systems or building mass transit delivers more jobs, and faster, than building new highways. With their wallets bulging with their federal allowance, the states were allowed to spend $26.6 billion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money however they saw fit.

    A new study shows that most states didn’t end up making the most of the windfall. The report by the transportation research group Smart Growth America found that states spent more than a third of the money on building new roads—rather than working on public transportation and fixing up existing roads and bridges. The result of the indiscriminate spending? States missed out on potentially thousands of new jobs—and bridges, roads, and overpasses around the country are still crumbling. Meanwhile, the states that did put dollars toward public transportation were richly rewarded: Each dollar used on transit was 75 percent more effective at putting people to work than a dollar used for highway work.

    The government meant to get the biggest bang for its buck, with “shovel-ready projects.” But building miles of new roads requires planning, land acquisition, and other lengthy steps that put fewer workers on the job immediately.

    Mandel Ngan / Getty Images

    The government, of course, meant to get the biggest bang for its buck. The stimulus bill forced states to spend their allocated cash quickly, which was intended to get them to fund maintenance needs—“shovel-ready projects”—that had already been identified. Building miles of new roads, on the other hand, requires planning, land acquisition, and other lengthy steps that put fewer workers on the job immediately.

    Some states did that. Sue Minter, Vermont’s deputy transportation secretary, says a longstanding “fix-it-first” policy for infrastructure and bipartisan collaboration shaped Vermont’s decisions about how to use the funds. The state spent all of its highway money on system maintenance, with a small amount going to mass transit. (Minter, a Democrat, was a member of the state legislature at the time.) “This shot of money into our economy was very, very significant. It’s part of the reason we have a relatively low unemployment rate,” she says. Only 5.8 percent of Vermont residents are out of work, one of the nation’s lowest rates. State research shows that ARRA funding employed 11,000 people—a small number overall, but a significant one in a small state. Minter says the maintenance was important for keeping economic growth, particularly in tourism, strong.

    Other states, however, took a different tack. Arkansas used 81 percent of its money for new projects and none on transit; it also has a higher unemployment rate than Vermont. And unlike other states near the bottom of the list, just 38 percent of its roads are in good condition, according to a report by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, a trade organization.

    Submitted by Taylor Cottam of Economy Politics

    Another Call For The Fed To Raise Rates, So Big Banks Can Start Lending And Hiring Again

    As we explained in our previous article Seeking an interest rate solution,
    real interest rates are negative and nominal short term interest rates
    are near zero. That is not healthy. What is a healthy interest rate? My
    view is that short term rates should be above 1% to make them positive
    and closer to 2%.  It has caused consumer credit to contract. 

    Of course, banks would argue that a healthy spread is the key to a
    healthy banking sector.  Raising the rate would likely flatten the yield
    curve.  What gives? 

    How banks really make money

    Banks are not in the business of making loans per se.  They are in the
    business of making more off their assets than their liabilities.  In
    normal times, underwriting consumer and business loans are the best
    avenue for them to pursue that goal. 

    Banks, and many hedge funds, really make money off the yield curve. They
    have assets with a higher duration than their liabilities. Although
    banks fund their assets with a mix of checking, demand deposits and some
    longer dated term deposits (CDs), they have the ability to swap out
    longer term deposits (CDs) to make their liabilities duration almost
    zero. Their assets, which are typically loans to consumers and
    businesses, have a longer duration.  Since the yield curve almost always
    slopes upward, they make money off the yield curve spread plus the
    credit spread. 

    In 2008, I did some modeling for a large financial institution that had
    duration of liabilities of roughly 3.5 years, based upon mostly term
    deposits. They were able to bring the duration on their entire
    liabilities portfolio down to a duration of less than 0.25 (3 months) by
    transacting a simple fixed for floating amortizing swap based upon
    their CD maturity schedule. Every quarter, with the 3 month rate sunk
    below 25 bps, we would receive a large cash settlement from our
    investment bank counterparty. I didn't stick for the full term of the
    swap, but on a 1.5 BB principal, our estimate of earnings from the swap
    alone stood at $100MM over three years. Based upon where short term
    rates have stayed, they could have made 1.5 times that.

    With our cost of capital below 25 bps, we did the thing that any
    rational person would do.  We stopped lending to people and
    businesses and lent to the US government instead.  We bought Treasuries.
    In this case, the 5-year yields were above 2% bringing our expected
    risk free spread above 2 points.

    In 2008 and 2009, when it became obvious that Bernanke would likely
    leave short-term rates low for an extended period of time, yield curve
    risk became an afterthought. Those actions have been largely vindicated.
    If we held the Treasuries for at least three years, the term of the
    swap, we would just sit back and make money off the spread without
    having to originate a single loan.

    You get to be a bank, without having to do any work to originate loans.
    Who needs a large origination group, when you can make a ton of money
    and fire half of your employees?

    Pushed or Pulled into Treasuries

    During the recession there was often talk of a flight to quality.
    Investors would flee risky assets and go into something safe. However,
    investors are not always being pushed, they are often pulled. During the
    recession, we began seeing a very steep yield curve. The spread
    investors are as much lured by the allure of easy money with a steep
    yield curve as they are by the fear of risky assets.

    bench craft company reviews

    Making music without a permit by SuperEvilBrian

    benchcraft company portland or

    The State <b>News</b> :: Spartans dismantled in Wisconsin, 82-56

    For the first time in Tom Izzo's 16 years as the MSU men's basketball team head coach, the Spartans suffered their second consecutive 20-point loss Sunday, losing to Wisconsin, 82-56, in Madison, Wisc. The Badgers (17-5 overall, ...

    Pitchfork: LCD Soundsystem Announce Farewell NYC Show

    Photo by Ruvan Wijesooriya; front page photo by Leigh Ann Hines LCD Soundsystem have announced that they will play their ...

    And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

    The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

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    Making music without a permit by SuperEvilBrian

    benchcraft company portland or

    The State <b>News</b> :: Spartans dismantled in Wisconsin, 82-56

    For the first time in Tom Izzo's 16 years as the MSU men's basketball team head coach, the Spartans suffered their second consecutive 20-point loss Sunday, losing to Wisconsin, 82-56, in Madison, Wisc. The Badgers (17-5 overall, ...

    Pitchfork: LCD Soundsystem Announce Farewell NYC Show

    Photo by Ruvan Wijesooriya; front page photo by Leigh Ann Hines LCD Soundsystem have announced that they will play their ...

    And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

    The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

    bench craft company reviews

    The State <b>News</b> :: Spartans dismantled in Wisconsin, 82-56

    For the first time in Tom Izzo's 16 years as the MSU men's basketball team head coach, the Spartans suffered their second consecutive 20-point loss Sunday, losing to Wisconsin, 82-56, in Madison, Wisc. The Badgers (17-5 overall, ...

    Pitchfork: LCD Soundsystem Announce Farewell NYC Show

    Photo by Ruvan Wijesooriya; front page photo by Leigh Ann Hines LCD Soundsystem have announced that they will play their ...

    And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

    The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

    benchcraft company scam

    The State <b>News</b> :: Spartans dismantled in Wisconsin, 82-56

    For the first time in Tom Izzo's 16 years as the MSU men's basketball team head coach, the Spartans suffered their second consecutive 20-point loss Sunday, losing to Wisconsin, 82-56, in Madison, Wisc. The Badgers (17-5 overall, ...

    Pitchfork: LCD Soundsystem Announce Farewell NYC Show

    Photo by Ruvan Wijesooriya; front page photo by Leigh Ann Hines LCD Soundsystem have announced that they will play their ...

    And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

    The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

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    bench craft company reviews

    Making music without a permit by SuperEvilBrian

    benchcraft company portland or
    bench craft company reviews

    The State <b>News</b> :: Spartans dismantled in Wisconsin, 82-56

    For the first time in Tom Izzo's 16 years as the MSU men's basketball team head coach, the Spartans suffered their second consecutive 20-point loss Sunday, losing to Wisconsin, 82-56, in Madison, Wisc. The Badgers (17-5 overall, ...

    Pitchfork: LCD Soundsystem Announce Farewell NYC Show

    Photo by Ruvan Wijesooriya; front page photo by Leigh Ann Hines LCD Soundsystem have announced that they will play their ...

    And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

    The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

    bench craft company reviews

    Online is one of the few places, where you can make money without really spending any, or you can choose to spend a few hundred dollars to make a multi million dollar business. In the real world this is virtually impossible, you will need at least $10k to start a business, but online it could be free or a matter of few hundred dollars.

    One of the most visited websites on the web is Google, and to have a blog or a website that makes money, you definitely need a good rank on the google search engine or you are doomed to failure unless you spend money on advertising it on other websites.

    One of the best and free ways to create a business online is to create a blog on and put informative content on it and write about something you will never be bored of writing about, and never run of ideas writing about it. Writing a blog is same as making a website, with a fraction of the effort, and no money at all.

    After creating a blog with good content, all you need to do is put ads on them. A free and very profitable program to use is Adsense, which is made by google and the sign up is free with no hidden costs at all. Adsense will pay per click, but don't be a fool and start clicking your own ads, as this will result in a permanent ban of your account, and it isn't hard for a multi billion dollar company to create an accurate software which will detect invalid/fake clicks.

    There are other programs such as Adbrite, or ads which pay monthly depending on the page views you get, or you can sell items from other websites through yours. For example selling ebay items through your website, and you will get a commission for making a sale.

    After you have adsense set up you need to create traffic and advertise your blog so more people can visit it and you can get a higher search rank. After you have done that things will become almost automatic with no effort required. You will need to use your adsense account to see which blog is making the most money, or what time of the day you have the most clicks, how many clicks you have etc.

    A good blog with more information and quality will make more money, and also more people will be interested in doing back-linking with you, which is a concept where you refer someone to a website of your back-linker and they link them to your website for additional information. This creates a higher search rank and also gains more popularity. The same concept is used by many websites out there which are ranked on the first page on google.

    This is all you need to know to make a blog and start making money without spending any. Good luck and having fun is the most important thing, since you are having fun writing, people will enjoy reading and buying products through a pleasant person's blog.

    big seminar 14

    The State <b>News</b> :: Spartans dismantled in Wisconsin, 82-56

    For the first time in Tom Izzo's 16 years as the MSU men's basketball team head coach, the Spartans suffered their second consecutive 20-point loss Sunday, losing to Wisconsin, 82-56, in Madison, Wisc. The Badgers (17-5 overall, ...

    Pitchfork: LCD Soundsystem Announce Farewell NYC Show

    Photo by Ruvan Wijesooriya; front page photo by Leigh Ann Hines LCD Soundsystem have announced that they will play their ...

    And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

    The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

    big seminar 14

    The State <b>News</b> :: Spartans dismantled in Wisconsin, 82-56

    For the first time in Tom Izzo's 16 years as the MSU men's basketball team head coach, the Spartans suffered their second consecutive 20-point loss Sunday, losing to Wisconsin, 82-56, in Madison, Wisc. The Badgers (17-5 overall, ...

    Pitchfork: LCD Soundsystem Announce Farewell NYC Show

    Photo by Ruvan Wijesooriya; front page photo by Leigh Ann Hines LCD Soundsystem have announced that they will play their ...

    And now for some good <b>news</b> « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and <b>...</b>

    The San Jose Mercury News reports that fish and birds are responding well to restoration of former salt ponds on the edges of San Francisco Bay to more natural tidal marsh. Continued operation of the salt ponds by Cargill Salt, ...

    big seminar 14